
One of our favorite numbers !

blog 62 (Audio) One of our Favourite Numbers
"Hey everybody, it's Kevin Ray and richard, we're calling in to give you guys the blog for today, guess what we went over twenty nautical miles, as a matter of fact we went exactly twenty point one nautical miles which is a little like... a little more than thirty six kilometers. Uphill dragging sleds, so it was a fantastic day, a sunny day ahhhummm the sastrugi or snowdrifts if you will, were bad at times but didn't slow us down. We were just so pumped up because we we're just making such great time today, ahhumm that we flew errr.. flew all the way. hope you guys are enjoying the educational component ahhumm... I plan on checking most of them out again when I get home. I'm really excited about it and I've heard some great feedback from a lot of the students that are following along. Keep tracking us guys, we need all of your energy, that you so so much everybody for reading and following us everyday, have a great day, bye."
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